The first three files on this page sum up the legal situation where I live. The first two have also been included as the last emails on the Small Claims page which is now archive. I won that case and was awarded one month’s rent plus court costs. Then, after negotiations broke down Re 2024, the property owner and management still failed to comply with the law and I was awarded all of the money I’ve spent on water for the last two years, times two, plus a thousand dollars for my trouble. A lien has been created but I have yet to collect. These letters constitute a conveyance of intent and an attempt to collect damages with regards to the water billing, specifically, though there are several other unresolved legal issues.
As referenced in the last email on this page, Illegal Billing, I am now filing individual lawsuits for each month I receive a fraudulent bill. At the time of writing this, January’s case has been served and a Letter of Intent has been sent for February. This is essentially a duplicate of the first case. For organizational purposes, each case will now have it’s own page added to the table of contents.