- Bluesky ComingA brief progress report. Times are changing and much has happened here at skysurfer.media – for one, the migration to a new server is complete! I now boast almost 2Gbps unmetered egress and enough processing power to handle multiple streams and multiple viewers. Although I am the sole user, this means there should be no problems with bandwidth sharing live productions. I’m also poised to take advantage of Cloudflare’s global CDN now, though this meant transferring the site from Porkbun – which is really too bad because they’re nice people and the pig is cool, but a golden cloud does… Read more: Bluesky Coming
- speedtest-cli #archlinux
- Server News – migration updateIt just goes to show you don’t always get what you pay for… Ionos appeared to have a good price for the processing power on their VPS but there were hidden charges for additional features (that would be necessary), the network was more limited, and the OS a representative assured me of was not available. When it took more than half an hour to suspend the machine, to see if I could access it from a rescue console, I tried calling customer service and was put on hold indefinitely. And the AI chat bot that is supposed to help gets… Read more: Server News – migration update
- Server NewsSo, the time has come to change hosting providers and that will entail moving an entire operating system to a different data center in another city. This is much like moving a house, not a trivial task. I have had the same IP and server location in Fremont, CA since 2017 when I moved from Digital Ocean after losing a bunch of data. Linode has since been purchased by Akamai which has it’s pros and cons, but this decision is being made simply because their pricing isn’t competitive and I need more resources. This website has been running on a… Read more: Server News
- acoustic test recording
- New Year’s Day 2025There is no choice but to start this day with hope. 2024 will go down as a year of failures. After several years of pursuing justice against a tyrant of a slumlord, and following the death of my friend and partner, I ended up with a lien against the property I live on. My landlord went to court and literally lied to a judge to keep from paying me what the courts had awarded me saying he was only responsible for groundskeeping and that he was not the property manager at all, he has refused to divulge the information I… Read more: New Year’s Day 2025
- ChristmasWell, I guess Christmas is over. I didn’t get the new car I hoped for, and I didn’t get included in anyone’s plans. As usual, I cleaned up the house for the possibility of company, but nobody came over. I haven’t left the house all day, just watched football and cooked. I made a good dinner which I ate alone… I usually message anyone I can think of with a ‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!’, but this year I just focused on finding someone who might want to go see some holiday lights. But there is no one. Nobody… Read more: Christmas
- December 23rdSeverely depressed. Like every Christmas, all I have wanted is someone to make plans with… I should be doing last minute shopping, wrapping presents, or cooking something. But there’s no one on my list and no one to call. I haven’t had any friends in a very long time. I have reached out and I have been easily available for anyone who wants me, but there’s only been more social games and a few niceties along the way. On the day before Thanksgiving I ran out of gas and was walking a few miles back to my home for spare… Read more: December 23rd
- Unfinished BusinessIt’s December 1st, 2024 and things have not gone my way this year. I’ve just come through one of the loneliest Thanksgivings ever and I have no plans for Christmas or New Years. I’m beginning this month a thousand Dollars behind my goals, not a month ahead on my bills like usual, and business has not been good. My home is eavesdropped on, anything I say used against me, and I am regularly stalked and harassed out in public. I don’t have any friends. Strangers love me, but I have enemies who do not want me to succeed. I’m succeeding,… Read more: Unfinished Business
- (no title)One thing is for sure. I don’t matter to anyone except those who have a vested interest in my failure. Nobody cares about me. Nobody knows me or misses me. I have family from both sides who live in this town, old relationships and tons of people I’ve done business with… there are people from all different parts of my past here, but nobody talks to me. They deprive me of news that I might benefit from or need to know, even refusing to tell me about my own father’s death. There’s ample evidence of identity theft and fraud, but… Read more: (no title)
- Unresolved.I’m at my wits end this morning. It was another horny night, extremely isolated. My home is eavesdropped on without a doubt. Most recently, my landlord had me robbed because he felt threatened by something I said. I am treated like a criminal by the Jehovah’s Witnesses who are nothing more than a deceptive Jesus Cult posing as humanitarians while they exploit and deprive anyone who disagrees with them. They have stolen land and money from me, and involved themselves with family to the extent that I may have a child they’re refusing to tell me about. Any expression of… Read more: Unresolved.
- HalloweenI am more socially isolated than I’ve ever been and things are not getting better. Driving by places like the pumpkin patch where they have a corn maze makes me feel like I’m on the outside looking in, excluded and unwanted. It’s not the kind of place I would go alone. All I have wished for on every holiday is that someone would make plans with me. But it’s like floating the river in the Summer or wanting to host BBQs – the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe I should be treated with the utmost of disrespect and I am continually slandered… Read more: Halloween
- Prosopagnosia, shapeshifters, and some sigh of relief…October 24, 2024 This is a correction to my last post, Unfinished Requiem, and some further explanation for anyone unfamiliar with my story. I suffer from a condition called prosopagnosia, or face blindness. Basically, the brain separates faces from other patterns for the purpose of recognition. For most people, it takes only .2 seconds to identify someone they know. With prosopagnosia, however, faces are treated like any other pattern. It’s as if that field in the database of people is blank. So, I depend on things like voice, hair, location, and so on. This is also why I’m bad with… Read more: Prosopagnosia, shapeshifters, and some sigh of relief…
- Unfinished RequiemWhy did you do this to me? Did you know that one of my big fears was that I wouldn’t see you again until I was diagnosed terminally ill, and that you would be the one to bring in the suicide machine? And now, I can’t get the image out of my mind – you, just standing there staring at me, at a hospice! It’s bad enough I’m still trying to process seeing you with a new baby and yet another man. I still see you at the chowder house on the coast, driving in the desert, and out of… Read more: Unfinished Requiem
- Leticia (not the others)Posted on craigslist and flagged, as usual. The holidays are here and I have no friends and no plans, censored missed connections, and a home that’s as public as a coffee shop… not to mention, I’m barely welcome in any coffee shop. My plans for the Summer were mostly sabotaged, though I continue to persevere. Giving up deadlines for goals has alleviated some stress, but I am still overwhelmed with more dreams than I will ever have enough time, energy, or money for… also, as time goes on, things just get more expensive, and I keep getting slower. Apart from social… Read more: Leticia (not the others)
- WhatsApp GoodbyeI have not used WhatsApp for many years and I was surprised to see an old flame appear in my contact list. Apparently, it was because I have a new phone number and it wasn’t blocked. The following are the last two messages I have sent, and I am now deleting that app and her contact info. After the first message, there was some seriously strange social activity – I think I saw her in uniform in a police car (stalking me) and after the farmer’s market a couple of weeks ago, I see no reason to go back there,… Read more: WhatsApp Goodbye
- ToDo notesPhotoprism failed on upgrade. Librephotos is molasses slow on docker – fail. Going to try Picapport next – Every self-hosted photo management solution has failed for one reason or another – too many images, unsupported file types, no videos, no public web option, too basic, etc… Mail currently needs fixing, too. And, Current Status needs to be updated – especially the legal section. But, there is progress on the Skylight. Streaming is functional via Owncast, and multiple channel feeds can be managed on a schedule by vlc, controlled via telnet 🙂 All under construction. …and there is nothing stopping me… Read more: ToDo notes
- Interesting days…So much for fun and planning in the land of sex and money – anything could happen. Or, not.
- Insult added to injuryEnding the day with some work, at least… this morning was not necessary.
- LonelyAnother few days of mostly harassment, stalking, and manipulation. Another lonely Saturday night, like usual. The standard NLP bullshit, if not some negative crap, just ‘nap’. But the same sexual testing, nonetheless. This is the epitome of institutional abuse, but I’m being singled out, too. Weeded out. Nobody cares about me.
- Chronic IsolationSomeday I will meet a woman who loves me and wants me enough to talk to me and make plans. Then, I would take her to the places where I grew up to hike the trails where I played as a kid, or explore the desert on a road trip, or take a holiday out of the country. These are the things that I fantasize about, simple things like getting a hug or having someone to wake up next to on Christmas. These are the things I’ve been deprived of… being stalked is not the same as being loved.
- On the Edge of Epiphany
- A Hundred Thousand Hundred ThousandsEquals 10 Billion : 10,000,000,000
- One Foot in the Gutter, One Foot in the Grave
- Roadblocks, Restaurants, and Rides