This page is live. It will be updated accordingly to reflect the status of open or upcoming legal cases.
Synopsis: I own a mobile home in a park that has been in the same family since the 1930s. There are 139 units on this property with 5 water mains bringing water from thew City. The pipes leading from the water pumps to the mobile homes and RVs have not been replaced since the 1970s, and there is no plan to do so as far as I know. Instead, Management started treating the pipes with industrial bleach to kill bacteria and moved in people with preexisting conditions who could not blame the quality of the water for their health concerns. The number of suspicious deaths here has been very high and can be plotted on a map, most prevalent toward the south east corner, especially along the water line I live on. After years of complaining and trying to get information, Management now just seems to be moving in younger people. This is a 55 and over park and many of the people who live here do not own computers or have the ability to challenge things in court which is where I ended up when neither the owner nor the manager would provide me with information I’m entitled to by law.
In this course of time, it has become clear that Management has no respect for the law or the residents. Since taking control here, the water was put on a submetering system and the bill that started with a $5 utility fee has gone up to $35. There does not appear to be any basis for this. It’s fraud. While the park collects an estimated $750,000 a year in Space rent, Management has added an additional $50,000 a year to the water bill. And there are no plans to replace the pipes?
I sued, and I won. But the bills kept coming. So, I sued for a reimbursement for the last 2 years, and I won. And the bills kept coming. So, I started filing a lawsuit every single month, and now we finally have a court date.
I have not found an attorney who will take a landlord-tenant case without an eviction or a Small Claims case. I ended up in Small Claims specifically because lawyers aren’t allowed and this was the only legal avenue to force communication with Highland View. Now, the owner appears to have an attorney to represent him in court and we have a date set for April 10th. This is regarding the 3rd case, essentially the same as the first case which I won. A 4th case has been filed and accepted. And the bills have continued. I have also been awarded $3,191.88 so far and a judgement lien has been created, but Highland View has refused to pay.
Update: 04/12/2024
So, two days ago the lawyer for the owner got the 3rd and 4th case dismissed on a technicality of service, that the registered agent of Highland View is not the manager. Nevermind that the information I read online said he was, that the 1st and 2nd case were accepted as served and given default judgements, or that it appears that they’ve lied to the judge (or tried to) about who owns what and who was actually responsible at the time. I learned that the 3rd case had the judgement lien set aside while a motion was filed on it. I think the motion was to dismiss, but it may have been to move it to trial court – either way, I have not been served those papers and, ironically, the motion may be dismissed on the same technicality, improper service. So, if I understand what I was just reading this morning, I should have 14 days to respond to the motion filed in the 2nd case and that would be today, if I recall right that the judge said it was filed on thew 29th of last month. They appear to have filed as of receiving the final notice for collections on the debt they owe me… instead of responding to the courts to begin with? Then, they refused the certified copy of the demand letter I’d sent. Now, in order to keep things right on the record, I have to re-file the 3rd case and appeal the motion to set aside the judgment in the 2nd case.
For now, I’m not uploading any new documents as I’m about to change how image hosting works on this site, but I will update this section when there are significant developments and when I have time to reorganize this section.
Case Reference:
1st 23SC27597
2nd 24SC00677
3rd 24SC04246
4th 24SC05700
Seeking an Attorney – open letter originally posted in 2023, still open.

See: 2024 March