I own a manufactured home here in Corvallis and I am seeking an attorney to represent me in my dealings with my landlord. Over grievances in the past, management has refused to communicate with me and refused mediation. The property owner mediated on management’s behalf and agreed to act as liaison henceforth. Now I’m being ignored by both parties and the original problems have not been resolved.
The water quality and the water billing are big issues. I believe management shocks the pipes with industrial strength bleach on a monthly basis and instead of replacing the pipes, he places people with preexisting conditions in these homes to cover up his liability. I’ve been charged up to $150 in a month for watering my lawn because the manager considers it wasteful, and recently there have been problems with the metering. One month, there was no bill at all, and the last two bills show zero gallons usage and only a utility fee that has just gone up from $25 to $35. The water has been a main topic for a long time and there are many emails between myself and the owner, but none answering the questions I have, and in the end he refers me back to the office… I think there should be an audit.
I also believe I may be the victim of identity theft and fraud, and that management has been involved. My manager is a Jehovah’s Witness, high up in the church. They have been involved with my family, and I think there are serious violations of privacy here where I live that are in violation of landlord tenant law. There is a history of complacency with anyone I’ve had problems with, while the manager himself does what he can to deter friends and visitors. He has asked me to report to him if I have anyone spend the night, and requested a copy of my keys – I told him emphatically NO in both of those instances, but it hasn’t stopped his general policy of having people snoop or finding out who’s visiting. I also think I may have a child that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are keeping, and that they’re the source of a lot of slander. I have heard the craziest things about myself, and this is one reason I suspect fraud. There have been several suspicious things to happen, even something filed by publication and left on my doorstep every day for a month – I never did discover what, and I have asked.
Law enforcement has been involved in discussions over rights and I’ve been told my case is civil, though I think it may go beyond that. I own my home and this is the third place I’ve had since I came here 15 years ago. I took care of my friend who had Parkinson’s here until she passed away almost a year and a half ago, and it was only then that it became clear who has been running interference in my life – specifically, the manager and his wife. I’ve been questioned on a federal level about whether I believe in magic, spirits and the afterlife, about whether I play dungeons and dragons or other role play games, about sexual deviance, and so on. While the fear mongering persists and I hear I’m a dangerous person, I have no record of violent crime and I don’t get many questions about weapons – the questions are about morality. I am a recovered alcoholic, sober for 10 years. I was literally drinking myself to death when I came here, and for that management was accommodating. I do not know why they are so opposed to my success.
I am interested in consulting with an attorney about my resources. I’m looking for information regarding family and property, and I’ve requested information about what chemicals are in use on the property. I suspect environmental causes in the deaths here. Someone has died in every house on this waterline, and even the police think there have been an inordinate number of deaths. You can plot them on a map. I have become estranged from my mother, as I felt she had betrayed my trust, and now I think she may be another victim of fraud as she’s apparently been in contact with mental health… and I hear I’m a patient, which I’m not.
Since my friend passed away, I’ve been working as a delivery driver. I make more than I spend and I’m steadily catching up on bills. I’m not rich, but I can probably afford reasonable legal fees. Please let me know if your law firm has a conflict of interest in dealing with Ivan and Kim Erdman, Michael Huarte, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Highland View Mobile Estates. Please also let me know if there is a fee for consultation. And if you are not talking new cases, any referrals or recommendations would be appreciated.
Thank You,
Indigo Michaud
2655 NW Highland Dr. #58
Corvallis, Or 97330
(541) 286 8551