2004Jul19 (Poem)
2004Jul19 (Poem)
(The Butterfly Factor)
Inhibiting lucidity
Blaring and bleak
With intensity
Cohabited stone-yard
Isolated island
Flung through space
Eruption from the point of no return -
2004Jul21 (Poem)
2004Jul27 (Poem)
Frail looking
Hollow skin or flesh
Cheap or free connections
Never gifted
Until the veil is lifted
Dissipates a fog-like lie
In an instant – an eternity
A discerning eye
Caresses the senses
Then makes up its own mind
It must be love
Or there’ll be hell to pay
Refresh dormant ideas
Sullen but hopeful
In this time
And with my needs
Compelled to be grateful
Unsearching and foundFree is just cheaper than cheap
Priceless is unconditional
“Unless another idea as unique (and better),
Then this one without charge”
Ridicules the comparison of invaluables
And brings about a bill
Unsent and unpaid
Holographic is unmanifest material
And I am changing [the way I do business?]
Nothing!The ocean is just water with nowhere left to go but up.
Satisfaction comes through acceptance.
Fog this morning, followed by sunshine – glorious in that rarely does one see the sun this early in Arcata (at least on foggy mornings). I am this way in my head this morning, too…. Foggy, but lifting. Pragmatic tasks to cling on to, but not the frictionless ear for my words yet. My heart – it’s pain now quelled or numbed – still yearns for Leticia. Is this madness? I don’t value a thousand dollars or a thousand rubies or temporary satisfactions past, present, or future as much as I value that everlasting sense of completion when I think of her. And what if my dreams come true today – if God answers my prayers and Leticia comes back into my life? I still do not have a thousand dollars, or rubies, or means to provide for a family. I don’t understand how I could be so completed and so inadequate. I pray this morning that the provisions I need be given and my heart be satisfied in whatever my Lord sees fit. I cannot begin to dissect the dynamic of energies and their recent shifts. Today I am keenly aware that my life is in the hands of God. I – the great I – am only human. Maybe I just need to get laid.And what am I waiting for? (Not who, but what.) Flirtatious eyes – a beautiful blonde and Shannon a sexy brunette, friendly and kind gentle spirit. My life has been graced with a lot of pretty women, though the last few years I’ve devoted my heart to Leticia (who hasn’t been in my life for as long). My desire, as a man, to find a mate died the moment I saw her, the day I found everything I’d been looking for. And how shamefully masked my contentment was by depression, self-pity, and an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy. She is not a token of achievement, not a proving ground to make me feel good enough. I have lots of women available to me, and who would accept me, but Leticia is the one I want. That she doesn’t want me is far from enticing. And would I conquer? Could I? I want my love to be effortless and destined, not contrived or worked for, but free. I feel like I’m going around in circles, repetitive thoughts appropriately spiral bound and dated but all the same thought underlying – I love Leticia. Despite all distractions (alcoholic or female), I still only have eyes for her. Am I insane? Self-depriving, using her as a tool? Karma, maybe. I wonder what must have happened in a previous life! Between my physical need for sex and my emotional isolation I think I might break. Dear God please guide me through this day, provide for me and dispel my confusion. Please allow me to find the contentment I yearn for. I have a certain self-acceptance that I need shared and reflected. I have learned how to love myself but I need to be loved by someone else. Please send me the one who will take me for all that I am, flaws included, whoever and however that may happen. And if not my fantasy of Leticia, then show me a soul more perfect. I alone am powerless to fulfill this need for myself.
And so I wait
And I wander
In a delicate dance
I revisit my life’s historical sites
Of romances begun and battles ended
I step or stomp on stone after stone
Each gem, each seed,
Some spec of light that reminds me of her -
2004Aug06 (Poem+)
Rejuvenate and be free
It’s time to dance and sing
And love with wreckless abandon
I’m going to show the world what
Power there is in faith
I have leapt from the edge of the abyss
Crossed the point of no return
Thrown caution to the wind
And dared to dream an impossible dream.
How could I ever be good enough for her?
Is there any limit to the amount of
Money I could spend? How many times
Do I need to get laid to satisfy my
desire for sex? How fast can we go?
Light speed lifestyle
No replay
Life’s too short to walk around in circles.
When I touch you
It’s immediate
It’s a glimmer in the shadow of what’s
Already here.
And to revel in passion
A passionate revelation
Security is the seed of truth in an illusion
It doesn’t matter who I fuck
I know who I love
I will live my life to honor my love
She’s not here? Oh, well I guess
That makes me available. I have
Become – a heartbreaker.
I will touch and taste and savor
Any body within reach
I will sustain myself, feed myself
With passing satisfactions
While I wait for her
And when she comes (I want to
Make her come) She will come
And I will crumble as I do already
To feel her – and nothing else exists
I am dedicated to contenting
Myself with what is offered
And I will not have landed,
Reached the other side of the
Stream, or chasm, or veil
Until she offers herself to me.
I pray for this everyday. I have
Searched my soul and, by God,
I will not change my mind.
My dream must be my destiny
For my life to have meaning
And my path is guided by illustration.[no date]
Something so unheard of that no one even joked about it’s possibility, it was the kind of thing about which only the old ones spoke. – Candidly hushed, it was such that no one dreamt they’d ever see, nonetheless ever be so near – they’d even stop to question if it had happened ever once. Or they’d pause just to ponder if it could happen once more and the children always laughed about it. No one ever doubted how wonderful it would be. Unmentionable except as an idea and still impossibly possible no one tempted fate, all agreed. In the evenings, the lonely prayed while the morning replaced them with new love’s play – and illusion-like potential[no date, just before 2004Aug13]
The Other Woman
In the dark
Has a similar touch
But lacks your eyes
She has an equal soul
But lacks your heart
The other woman, in a sparkle
Or a burst of sensuality
Finds herself with the wrong man.
In all of them I find
My need for you
For the moment
And the difference might as
Well be fantasy….
My dream of another woman
Let’s me down, has a beginning
And an end inherent but with
You there’s something forever –
Even a passing thought sustains me.
And a moment with you
Lasts an eternity.Metamorphic churning….
2004Aug13 (Poem)
2004Aug13 (Poem)
Redwood Park
Early afternoonDon’t trip on the promise
Of yesterday’s forecast.
Don’t fall backwards
Planning tomorrows events.
Positive presence:
[Give her what she wants,
Don’t forget about myself]
Being –
Treasure is a celebration;
Savour the moment,
Dispel the world,
And stop breaking thinks down.
Rise. -
Motel Evening
2005Mar03 (Poem)
Motel Evening
Slow drive went quickly
With a race to get home
Too fast – Too far away
It wasn’t quite an escape
Caught by the net
(Or was it a web)
There was never a predator
Or malice behind smiling
The laughter didn’t have to be
Nervous (hiding from failing)
Antidote to an imagine disease
Could have been some other place
Some palace guarded by a stone face
(Cracked open and undisclosed)
Assured discretions unpalatable
After unnecessary lies
We wove along the road
And we weren’t even there
Hypothetical trysts gone wrong
Never saw the point of no return
Could have gone faster
Could have been truthful
We could have jumped into something
Not so make-believe – could have had more
We might have pierced the thickest veil
There was fog and the wind felt torn
Music only lulled our already hidden dreams
Crystallized wine soothed unmassaged muscles
The glass was real, but the sound was not
There was nothing there to want
Imagination was just a game
And play became so serious
We took a break from living
Promised not to tell a soul
And stared into each others eyes
We tripped over ourselves
Truest desires most often stay suppressed
Nothing to risk, nothing but a valued possibility
Swirled words on a Saturday night,
Mixed emotions,
And blended time frames.
Artwork creating being
Recurring, episodic acquaintances
Friendly, but challenging
Destined transience
Planted seeds
There’s a shifting in the energetics of the situation
Motion, emotion
Memories of promises to come
And dreams of wishes made true
Elliptical Attraction
Games of jealousy
Resistance designed
To be released –
A controlled inevitability
…and with so much passion
Ricocheted arrows
With a recoiled touch
Make a pass
Held back and drawn close
Without any need for reason
Elliptical attractions
Ebb and flow
High and low
With not much in between
Today is a season
Found in frozen ground
Physical orbit magnetic
And gaining speed
There’s an anticipated collision
Distant eyes flirt
Play with the heart
Reaching out, but
They don’t touch
Holding out, until then
Tonight’s Lady…
Dreams riddled in waking fitsDrifter from the realm of OneWalking ever nowhere, againCasing crowns and disrobingStarlit curves pass promisesTouch sudden caught breathAn indulgent haunting hungerGrips, grasps, and lets you go -
Tongue Touch
slip-dropdriving rhythmic raincozy in a warm placelickety-splita casual close callI don't wanna talk -
in the chamber of a smoke filled bubbleis the ember of a life still breathingthe capricious flow of time beatsblows memories into dreamstests limits, breaks ruleschallenges mortalityand even stillit surviveslighta soul fireso intertwinedwith a cold windrigid contemplationand hopeless ambitionsone intrinsically needs anotheras the impetus of ideas is worthlesswithout drifting visions to dispel the real