
  • 2001Jul29 (Poem)

    2001Jul29 (Poem)
    Full Moon Morning
    [approximate date]

    Like a false eagle cry
    My life is over
    Open my eyes don’t close them
    ¡Alegré, Regocijo, Deleite!
    The sun is the spring in my heart
    The smoke that rises from the fire
    Is more powerful than the kindling
    You, my shakti, destroyed me
    And set me free
    You, who I saw in myself
    And me, who I saw in you
    I now see in all the world
    I will not say goodbye
    You are forever a part of my heart
    Soaring now I am the eagle
    Who thought he was a hawk

  • 2002Jan12 (Poem)

    2002Jan12 (Poem)
    [no date]

    Musical vibrations of organic rhythm
    Not the hum of diesel engined
    Where is my love?
    Tribal chanting and primal sex
    Who is my love?
    Is the distant call so far away that
    I have tuned out her screaming now?
    Does she know I am waiting?
    Is she looking?
    I cannot search anymore. I saw her
    In everyone. I rode the train to
    Hell and back, legs clacking as I tripped
    Over the ties that bound me to the
    Earth. I’ve heard the sounds of metal
    Grinding into dirt and pressure
    Valves releasing – not at all like
    The gasp that will escape her
    Lips when I touch her or the
    Silent friction of two bodies
    Lubricated by sweat. I am stopped, now
    Standing, tired of losing what I
    Have for what I want and still not
    Having her. I am looking up, now.
    I stare at the clouds where the sound
    Of falling rain is made. I gaze
    At the stars that seem to somehow
    Coax the crickets out of hiding.
    And I see the moon that calls out the
    Whole orchestra of nature. Is she
    Up there? Does she hear my heart
    Pounding, the drums of thunder coming,
    The hope in spoken words meant to
    Conjure up her loving? Does she hear me?
    Does she hear me. Is she listening?
    I break down the peacefulness, start
    A fire, create explosion after
    Explosion – running home with one
    Foot after another stomping on the
    Ground like a toddler trying to
    Say I want you to catch me. I
    Need attention. Now! I speed up
    Until I’m exhausted and try to sleep
    To the gentle song of unfulfilled passion,
    Quietly sobbing please.

  • 2002Jan15 (Poem)

    2002Jan15 (Poem)
    An unconditional chemical –
    Lord Shiva is a mix
    Of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.
    All matter must be a miracle.
    Nothing exists but aberrations.
    Reality is a mutation
    Of something more pure.
    Can love be definable
    Through terms of structure
    And branched lines?
    Nature is infinitely more complex
    Than what the mind can conceive.
    The arrogance of simplification
    Circumvents one’s ability to perceive
    The fundamental magic of life,
    That it’s more basic
    Than can be expressed in words.
    Ganesh is just an elephant
    Who eats, shits, and bathes.
    And yet, water is the source of life –
    Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.
    It’s not static with it’s movements
    Everchanging rain, clouds, and ocean.
    Shiva, enfolded, bursts forth
    Like lightening before a storm…
    And of what use is wind?
    Chemical interactions
    Are the ‘dance of the universe’ –
    Not just action and reaction
    In some fantasy of balance,
    But the substance of the dream itself.
    Movement is the only unconditional thing,
    Movement and the chemical friction of love.

  • 2002Jan18 (Poem)

    2002Jan18 (Poem)

    Writing for performance

    Rapture is a terrifying seduction
    Stretch, to touch, to let go
    What’s grabbed gets thrown
    Relinquish that which could never be controlled
    Give up, give in, get sucked in
    To an experience of pure fantasy
    What awaits is wilder than one’s feeble dreams.
    Satisfy your urges
    Eat, drink, smoke, and laugh
    Your illusions of pain are real
    Play with life, it’s only temporary
    Go ahead, play with fire
    That’s part of the joke
    This world cannot hurt you,
    Unless you want it to.
    Forsake your suffering
    And ride the wave of bliss
    Self-gratification is why we’re here
    Passion is designed to tale you higher
    Reciprocate your desire
    Take a partner and dance
    This is it, the here and now
    This is all we get.
    Make the most of it
    Tomorrow will always hold surprises
    Don’t second-guess your life
    You’ll only ever be wrong.
    Savor the miraculous and for God’s sake
    Be happy – heaven awaits.

  • 2002Feb01 (Poem)

    2002Feb01 (Poem)
    [no date +- two days]

    The spirit is tremendous.
    It has the power of a raptor.
    It is limitless potential manifesting.
    The spirit is the source of the body and all thought.
    It is not what defines color
    But the light that shines through.
    Natural essence is indestructible.
    The image of you has been irreplaceably etched in my mind.
    You are my personification of being.
    There is a conquering of illusion in reality.
    ‘What is’, has become – from nothingness springs eternity.
    And like a flower bud that holds the promise of beauty
    (Thus it is itself a beautiful thing),
    A love of the soul is unending.
    So with you, my love, I share forever.
    And always a will to truly live.

  • 2002Jun23 (Poem)

    2002Jun23 (Poem)

    Critical diffusion
    Confused inside
    An ill mind
    Becoming in question
    Thoughtless rogue
    Like one strand of a rope
    Hanging from the brain
    Tied to a brick
    Still falling
    Almost hitting ground
    My anxiety
    I don’t own
    And my soul is a fool
    Locked in a room
    Sitting on a throne
    While my heart bleeds to death.

  • 2002Jun24 (Poem)

    2002Jun24 (Poem)

    [in margin, note – frame one]

    Bordas De Hielo, Cesar Vallejo

    [bracketed – frame two]

    Are pearls
    Flowing as if
    In a succession
    Of spheres
    Echoed and reflected
    In a cavern
    Filled with the
    Darkness that exists
    Between water and ice

    [boxed – frame three]

    Is there passion in the stillness left behind by movement?

  • 2002Jul06 (Poem)

    2002Jul06 (Poem)

    Fluttering discordant rapidity
    Before my eyes a blur
    Memories and visions of the future
    Are the same static
    Repetitive sounds
    Random rhythmic events
    Separated only by confusion
    Understanding virtue
    And a butterfly
    Moving up and down

    My shakti loves another
    As do I – all others in fact
    The core of my heart, the center of my being
    Belongs to her
    Although I am betrothed to the world
    I, fatefully, am my own maker
    Like her
    Each new moment
    And I pray for the fortune
    To blissfully reflect in her presence again.
    Please God, relieve this heartbreak.

  • 2003Apr14 (Poem+)

    2003Apr14 (Poem+)

    Where have my words gone as if I am afraid to mar this page, because it is the first, though days pass by like page after page and no one can remember the beginning. It is as if the human condition is a simple state of being ‘caught between’. We start reading the story of our lives at chapter 13 and spend the rest of the time trying to figure out what’s going on while sticking to the story. Did we skip ahead or hold ourselves back when we started in the middle? There have been no viable solutions for mankind.

    Pride is a pestilence,
    Multi-faceted shards of stars
    From a shattered wine glass
    Sinking feeling of loss

    Like a fisherman who never had
    And never caught

    There is sadness in the dream
    Even while there’s lobster
    Boilin’ in the pot.

    And I think aloud and louder
    Is there any other answer
    To the question why
    Then just because?

    And they fear me
    They fear me for saying
    That weapons are tools of hatred –
    Let’s not love them
    That children never chose to be here –
    Let’s not blame them
    That life itself does not need to
    Evolve around death.

    Destroy!!! The charioteer bellows and we needn’t think he has pride but arrogance and gall and he’s full of it.

    “I am so powerful – look at my horses”
    Is that nonsensical to anyone else?
    Horses. Horses.
    I don’t know about you but
    I am not my horses.

    I like to think of living
    As being akin to sailing on
    An ever expansive ocean
    And territorial destruction is
    Never a part of the plot of my course.

    Freedom for me does not mean slavery for you –

    And while there’s stew on the stove
    – sustenance in hand –

    Pride is the cry for more
    Even as we reach for our bottles to pour
    Health from a glass lip
    Even as we sip
    We say this is just a door
    To ourselves.

    When will we alone be enough?

    Pearls in succession lace her neck
    Diamonds, rubies, and maybe one
    Perfect sapphire adorn her perfect soul.
    And her heart sees them, but does it
    Recognize her self? Her selflessness
    Is a state of being, intangible
    But represented by things.
    Does her mind acknowledge me
    As another sovereign being?
    Does she love me?
    Is she the only one?

  • 2003Apr23 (Poem)

    2003Apr23 (Poem)

    Stairs and steps
    Extend one’s life
    Even as sun and water
    Cure all things
    Calligraphy and photography
    Both write for the eyes
    And poetry is beauty
    Loving is living

    A spiritual bridge
    Built one stone at a time
    Spans our lives
    As we step toward another day
    Climbing as if we could take flight
    And knowing these stairs, this effort
    Is as perfect coming up
    As the indulgence of the past
    And the present back on solid ground

    Each time the day comes
    Our eyes drink light
    And quench our need
    For beauty
    And we manifest ourselves
    As visible sources
    Of spirit
    I see when I look at you
    The sunrise ever present in your eyes
    And love as I try one word at a time

  • 2003Apr30 (Poem)


    I see
    All thousand points of light
    And there are shadows
    That record the space between waves
    In an ever expanding funnel
    Like a spiral cyclone
    Situated rests
    Make a staircase
    And there is a downward draft
    A falling luminescence
    Gently pressing
    On the crown
    And the ground
    The eye itself
    Becomes peaceful
    And I hear
    And I feel

    I see
    From here to infinity
    Recording shards of truth
    Broken ripples in the flow of things
    An ever changing experience
    Twisted around memory
