
  • 2003May01 (Poem)

    2003May01 (Poem)

    From the book of unforgotten sorrows
    I lament my departure
    From the light-filled being
    I once found
    With you.

    It no longer matters
    If the star I see
    Is from crawling through a tunnel
    Or falling down a hole

    That your radiance,
    Even when just a glimmer
    Incites me to live
    Inspires me to love

    I’ll forever strive
    To be complete

    And dream of a time
    When I felt whole

    This chapter is a story of it’s own
    The end will be resounding
    And irreversible
    What risk is there to reading on?
    But that the enjoyment will conclude
    And leave me where I’m at
    Alone and missing you

    [next page]

    Love is as beguiling as the sunrise in your eyes

    Let me feel you
    Come bring your breath
    Closer to my ear
    And whisper
    So I can hear your heartbeat
    From below
    Let your energy flow
    Around / the line / between us
    I’m reflexive
    To your touch

    Let me see you

  • 2003May06 (Poem+)

    2003May06 (Poem+)
    I am in love. Or in light. There is a visible – blaringly visible – delicate glow that permeates all that there is. Lightening strikes a spiral ripple in this lake of emotion; there is the same wellspring at the center of our lives; the same spark or glimmer – am I insane? Are my dreams really coming true? – And yet I know her, she’s changeable and likely to turn against herself. She cares about me, more than anyone has before, but what will happen? There are so many variables (and so many people). I don’t worry about others coming between us – no one knows us, or understands us, enough. I worry about her judgment, though she has demonstrated more ability than I have to show. I wonder how much of a chance we are taking on each other, or if this is as fateful as it seems. Or is it fateful? At times (such as today) I find myself in the midst of the wildest coincidence, strange even for synchronistic things.
    [next page]
    Such a perfect day on which I dine.
    A perfect woman to stimulate my palate
    Like a painter I sense the mood of the hue
    Even as you remind me
    Of that ever important substance called light
    You drive by, a flash of your presence
    Enough I hope to capture this thought
    Even after it has begun.
    Native son shadows the violinist
    And my hunger strengthens
    Who cares where my next meal comes from!!!
    This one is on it’s way!

    There is a certain façade that is expected of others, big or small we prepare for it; and they, us. You see, as we look at each other we put a certain distance between ourselves. That, in turn, makes us feel separated – like we’re in a glass jar because there’s this invisible wall between us and every-body-else… and we want more, so, we look for that someone who we can connect to and develop our ability to connect to all and then one day… one day, I meet this woman who I felt no wall with our touch – we touched and it was free.
    [next page]
    What will they all think of me! We all know the truth is no one is likely to understand. She is strange (everyone knows that) but I might just scare the hell out of them. People are frightened by things that move quickly like lightening – although, the chance of being hit by lightening in far less than that of contracting a terminal illness. – Nevertheless, poelpe spook more easily than sheep (and herd as well) and like my friend says “though we walk on the backs of the ewes as dogs, we must never forget we are part of the flock”. Heaven bring me as much. I am now haling.
    [next page, evening?]
    Is my heart so malleable, tenderized and softened, that it now forms to every movement her spirit makes? And where did she come from? I didn’t think that people like her could be in this world. She is the most magnificent soul a person could hope to shere with her presence. Her eyes are light. I feel her with the core of my being. And I need to touch her. I am still so afraid of losing, yet this is the greatest unknown connection to someone I’ve made ever. I’ve met
    [cut off]

  • 2003Jul12 (Poem)

    2003Jul12 (Poem)
    [no date, may be Jul19]
    Comfort day –
    Shabbos morning grace
    Exceptional beauty
    Sophisticated stride
    Place of indulgent words and drink
    Love in all even as she walks away
    A gem’s value may be it’s flaw
    But the light comes from it’s facets
    Introspection is a hall of mirrors
    All ways the labyrinth
    Leads back to the center
    And the end is always
    The beginning again

  • 2003Aug04 (Poem)

    2003Aug04 (Poem)
    To think that words are not hollow
    Shells or fragments of unmanifest thought
    Vessels empty of action
    To think how full the void.
    Resonant sound from a plucked string
    Wine breathing the same air that floats a ship
    Or makes snow even as it saves a skydiver
    The void sets an eagle adrift
    And makes waves in the ocean
    Words are a womb, Shiva’s conch, and music
    Notation for the sake of imagination
    Rhythm keeps us moving
    Language keeps us being
    Dreams keep us alive.

  • 2003Oct11 (Poem+)

    2003Oct11 (Poem+)

    Much madness is divinest sense to a discerning eye – thematic, anorexic solitude is not blindness but distance as if an eagle has a more objective view from high above reality – what changes, what reality so different when I fall back to the earth! Personal truth is inherently subjective, our dreams like our fears are actualized beyond all control as if there was no choice but to be here. And what comfort we take in the illusion of choice! I am stuck with myself, captive on a boat whose sail clings to the wind for a sense of purpose while direction only seems more relevant than movement. What shore will be my destiny? A shady beach or rocky reef? The eagle, as it falls, must alter it’s course to snatch it’s prey. What fish stays motionless? What wind does not shift? Entonces

    A sailor’s wings
    Agile anchored talons
    Catch the moment
    Depart from the journey
    Regal centered being
    Alive and free

  • 2003Oct12 (Poem+)

    2003Oct12 (Poem+)

    High mountain morning sun
    Wind swept, textured sky
    Aspen chatter, fire crackles
    And even coffee can’t break the stillness that is everywhere.

    I worry about money, my dogs, my teeth – but I just need someone to love me. This unspoken solitude must be destroyed – if not by God then by a woman – or I’ll drink my last dollar, drag my dogs through the desert and starve my soul of words forever. Without a stable source of inspiration my creativity will certainly dwindle, though my drive surges at this time in life. I may implode or explode, but will never be the same, cannot do much more than survive alone…. No reason, no reward. My spirit is feeble. I need family.

    Disjointed, semi-stifled strings of sound –
    Instrument without an audience
    Sing or scream, it does not matter
    Isolation is abandonment of the masses
    A lost poet is found dying, not living
    Disrupted, then discarded, driven to drink
    Because society prefers the value of a bum
    Over the threat of a visionary.


    What passion lies dormant and definable?
    A reclusive fire isn’t burning
    My heart is an ember too hot for touching
    And yet dwindling under pressure
    Unquenchable, unstable, liable to explode
    There is an inevitable release
    Trapped by fear from mind, from thought
    It’s as if emotional scar tissue
    Must still scab and flake,
    Not likely to be graceful – the armor of love –
    Light as a warrior in a box becomes a bomb
    Coal burning soul, pensive smoke
    My body lingers and looks for escape
    Yearning intimate and alone

  • 2004Jan14 (Poem)

    2004Jan14 (Poem)

    Organized thought

    Loveless dissolution
    Integrated half-truths
    Solemn vow
    Unspeakable secret

  • 2004Jan22 (Poem)

    2004Jan22 (Poem)


    Veritable attributes
    Of the queen of cups
    Found in every woman
    A word of hope
    In a lexicon of sex
    Is flirtation
    She’s not here

    Like each sparkle
    In every eye
    Emanates from her
    And I have walked
    Trudged across a spectrum
    From ‘anyone’ who will
    To here where I know there will be one
    And while now there are many
    Soon there will be no one else
    And my soul will be fulfilled

    Leticia, I miss you.

  • 2004Jan23 (Poem2)

    2004Jan23 (Poem2)

    Imagery is deceptive or it wouldn’t be beautiful

    Exercise in writing without words
    No need for idols
    Surreptitious and
    Insidious fiction
    Folded with a crease
    Tense and pretentious
    Born ugly
    And naked
    And empty
    Set in motion
    Toward a desired end
    Covered up
    Thinly veiled crack in the brick
    Showing light through artifice
    And within
    Still empty
    Seed of knowledge
    Ready to burst
    Makes way through illness
    Inviting aim
    Like this void is a target
    A hurled razor thought
    Shreds itself
    As emotional currency lands on paper

    Can’t I get enough of these fake, fallow letters stacked up to resemble meaning? How pointless (still poigniant) words are – an addiction of thought. Writing is the act of striving to manifest being.

    When ‘I’ is not enough

    We say ‘Is’
    We say ‘His’
    We say ‘This’
    And, soon, ‘What about me?’

    Disect it and you’ll find nothing.
    The implication of meaning is lost
    In the proximity of separation.
    There is a substance
    Between giving and getting
    Between the lines of sound
    There is feeling
    They’re all translations of the same (the only) unspeakable poem.

    Listen to the null
    The lull of the stationary

    Filling a black hole
    Or a bottomless glass
    Is easier than it sounds
    Filling one effectively in impossible.

    Unbound constraint
    This world (my world)
    Has no need for hinges
    Has no walls
    No joining of different pieces
    No water to span

    Riveted by love
    Stilled by wreckless abandon

  • 2004Jan23 (Poem3)

    2004Jan23 (Poem3)

    A premonition
    Peacock to proud for it’s own self
    Feathers stretched to the limit
    Phoenix twisted flame
    Chrome delirium
    A bluff behind her tambourine smile
    The sun never rose
    And yet the silence must end
    Heirlooms of reason
    Thrusting smoke within
    Ineffective vision
    Won’t wait –
    Won’t win by staying in trial

  • 2004Jan23 (Poem)

    2004Jan23 (Poem)

    Idle as a
    Tamborine smile

    With only a flash
    Of an unmanifestable

    It’s that monotonous trudge
    That takes you an extra mile
    Away from inevitable collapse
    An incarcerated scream

    A self-destructed vagabond
    Leaning against a pole
    With a sign that reads
    “Move on. I’m one you’ll never know”

    And an unbreakable hope
    Nested deep within a truth
    That isn’t at all what it might seem
    Flown and hidden
    Because the cover on this book is old
    Tattered, torn, smalls like mold
    But there’s a new word in chapter three

    And it doesn’t matter
    If it’s too easy
    To fall into make believe

    Your life is a well chosen note in a piece of music composed of rests, mostly

    Nobody controls time
    The whole earth cannot influence the sun
    Nobody spends time
    Because nobody owns it
    Time is a flow
    Contiguous with life as we know it
    The fallacy is that we are masters
    But the truth
    Is that we’re just a conduit

    They are all the same poem

    Because (?)

    She was too close to call
    Flow, pace
    No point of reference
    To this place called self
    Is unseen reverence

    Secrecy engulfed
    By reason of sanity

    Hollowed out of warmth
    Confined by a need to be free
