Motel Evening

2005Mar03 (Poem)

Motel Evening

Slow drive went quickly

With a race to get home

Too fast – Too far away

It wasn’t quite an escape

Caught by the net

(Or was it a web)

There was never a predator

Or malice behind smiling

The laughter didn’t have to be

Nervous (hiding from failing)

Antidote to an imagine disease

Could have been some other place

Some palace guarded by a stone face

(Cracked open and undisclosed)

Assured discretions unpalatable

After unnecessary lies

We wove along the road

And we weren’t even there

Hypothetical trysts gone wrong

Never saw the point of no return

Could have gone faster

Could have been truthful

We could have jumped into something

Not so make-believe – could have had more

We might have pierced the thickest veil

There was fog and the wind felt torn

Music only lulled our already hidden dreams

Crystallized wine soothed unmassaged muscles

The glass was real, but the sound was not

There was nothing there to want

Imagination was just a game

And play became so serious

We took a break from living

Promised not to tell a soul

And stared into each others eyes

We tripped over ourselves

Truest desires most often stay suppressed

Nothing to risk, nothing but a valued possibility

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