Category: Journal

  • 2004Jan22 (Poem)

    2004Jan22 (Poem) Thursday Indeterminate Veritable attributes Of the queen of cups Found in every woman A word of hope In a lexicon of sex Is flirtation Anticlimactic Because She’s not here Like each sparkle In every eye Emanates from her And I have walked Trudged across a spectrum From ‘anyone’ who will To here where…

  • 2004Jan14 (Poem)

    2004Jan14 (Poem) Wednesday Clarity Organized thought Loveless dissolution Integrated half-truths Solemn vow Unspeakable secret

  • 2003Oct12 (Poem+)

    2003Oct12 (Poem+) High mountain morning sun Wind swept, textured sky Aspen chatter, fire crackles And even coffee can’t break the stillness that is everywhere. I worry about money, my dogs, my teeth – but I just need someone to love me. This unspoken solitude must be destroyed – if not by God then by a…

  • 2003Oct11 (Poem+)

    2003Oct11 (Poem+) Saturday Much madness is divinest sense to a discerning eye – thematic, anorexic solitude is not blindness but distance as if an eagle has a more objective view from high above reality – what changes, what reality so different when I fall back to the earth! Personal truth is inherently subjective, our dreams…

  • 2003Aug04 (Poem)

    2003Aug04 (Poem) To think that words are not hollow Shells or fragments of unmanifest thought Vessels empty of action To think how full the void. Resonant sound from a plucked string Wine breathing the same air that floats a ship Or makes snow even as it saves a skydiver The void sets an eagle adrift…

  • 2003Jul12 (Poem)

    2003Jul12 (Poem) [no date, may be Jul19] Comfort day – Shabbos morning grace Exceptional beauty Sophisticated stride Place of indulgent words and drink Love in all even as she walks away A gem’s value may be it’s flaw But the light comes from it’s facets Introspection is a hall of mirrors All ways the labyrinth…

  • 2003May06 (Poem+)

    2003May06 (Poem+) I am in love. Or in light. There is a visible – blaringly visible – delicate glow that permeates all that there is. Lightening strikes a spiral ripple in this lake of emotion; there is the same wellspring at the center of our lives; the same spark or glimmer – am I insane?…

  • 2003May01 (Poem)

    2003May01 (Poem) From the book of unforgotten sorrows I lament my departure From the light-filled being I once found With you. It no longer matters If the star I see Is from crawling through a tunnel Or falling down a hole That your radiance, Even when just a glimmer Incites me to live Inspires me…

  • 2003Apr30 (Poem)

    2003Apr30 I see All thousand points of light And there are shadows That record the space between waves In an ever expanding funnel Like a spiral cyclone Situated rests Make a staircase And there is a downward draft A falling luminescence Gently pressing On the crown And the ground The eye itself Becomes peaceful And…

  • 2003Apr23 (Poem)

    2003Apr23 (Poem) Stairs and steps Extend one’s life Even as sun and water Cure all things Calligraphy and photography Both write for the eyes And poetry is beauty Loving is living A spiritual bridge Built one stone at a time Spans our lives As we step toward another day Climbing as if we could take…

  • 2003Apr14 (Poem+)

    2003Apr14 (Poem+) Where have my words gone as if I am afraid to mar this page, because it is the first, though days pass by like page after page and no one can remember the beginning. It is as if the human condition is a simple state of being ‘caught between’. We start reading the…

  • 2002Dec01

    2002Dec~~ (Poem) [all entries undated, end of book starting 2002Mar19] Do you defend me When I am not there And do you guard me When you are not also asleep Am I watched and considered in love Or do you not value me most, Though second to yourself My aching heart needs to know so…

  • 2002Nov17

    2002Nov17 [probable date] Sunday coffee before Vacaville Disorderly conduct for flippin’ the bird to a cop… what nonsense! I think his point was quite clear. Morning news, and the normal heartsick blues, racks my mind and taunts my eyes with fog and distant music. Drums fall away replaced by the usual chatter. Not white noise…

  • 2002Nov15

    2002Nov15 She is consumed by words Perfection reflected through a proximity Of time and space – past is present Is dream time… must heal from Leticia, Or sort out my feelings and express them. [first page of a different journal beginning 2002Jan] She is consumed by words. My words I hope are unaffecting. I want…

  • 2002Nov12

    2002Nov12 [red ink] Mid November began for me today as I awoke to the most stunning view from the Berkeley Marina. All three bridges and the pier: Pearls of light Hung in stasis As if from invisible rafters Perhaps we are dolls in this giant’s animated world, left to our own human device, grouped together…