A Transient Forever


Another episode comes to an end with another journal entry transcribed. It’s amazing how pompous my speech was, how compulsive or disjointed on some days. There is so much to sort out but never a doubt that I love Leticia forever. It is too bad I fell into such doubts about being together, but in the end I think this will be powerful information. I’m charged with a purpose that is becoming more clearly defined by the day – my sense of it was always clear, but my effort had largely fallen into passivity (from depression) and my social interactions I all but destroyed out of missing her. Now I still pray that we will be together but I’m no longer destructive. I almost killed myself and I still have decisions to make that will affect me and my family from then on. I never did kiss that girl the other night, but there’s another. Transient affections are easy to find.

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