
So far behind… I haven’t taken very many pictures since my friend passed away, and it’s been an emotional but healing trip through time organizing a master copy for the new system. Everything is getting uploaded to the cloud – 26,000 images after removing duplicates, but including a lot of pictures that didn’t turn out. The difference between an amateur and a professional is editing, someone once told me, and these days that includes tagging and postprocessing. This is usually done on one’s home computer, even if the storage is online. But in my case, I’m turning to artificial intelligence and a private server to sort through so many files. The rationale is that I will have a system in place where I can upload images from any number of different sources, from any number of different locations, and have the work preserved while being easy to sort, edit, and share. And, instead of a site attempting to show only the final product, the idea is to have raw feeds online that can be sourced for any number of media projects. This will include the streams, audio/video, atom, etc… preserved for a time, searchable and on demand replays. The photography section of the site hasn’t been built yet, but the steaming section is almost ready – – and that’s next. First, to finish uploading the rest of ~400GB… 20,000 images to go.

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