There is no choice but to start this day with hope. 2024 will go down as a year of failures. After several years of pursuing justice against a tyrant of a slumlord, and following the death of my friend and partner, I ended up with a lien against the property I live on. My landlord went to court and literally lied to a judge to keep from paying me what the courts had awarded me saying he was only responsible for groundskeeping and that he was not the property manager at all, he has refused to divulge the information I have every legal right to, and he continues to violate my privacy and harass me on a regular basis. Law enforcement is well aware of the violations but they tell me it’s a civil issue, while actually helping further the fear mongering. My home is eavesdropped on by what have to be electronic means, and I don’t think it’s just google and amazon unless these people have hacked into places where they shouldn’t have access. Complaining about this insistently only gets a standard offer to have one’s space scanned for radio transmitters, but technology has gone much further than that now. Beyond parabolic mics and water pipes, I think a conversation can be picked up from space these days. Plus, home computers are basically just bidirectional spy machines and the argument over who should be in control is nothing new. But I reserve the right to privacy in my home, that I should be able say anything I want when nobody is around – without fear of repercussion – and that is not honored here, completely the opposite. Meanwhile, I am regularly bated by whatever I say while police get into position to maybe make an arrest. e.g If I say, he’s lucky someone doesn’t put a rock through his window, then someone leaves me a landscaping stone… If I say, he’s lucky someone doesn’t beat him up, they leave me 2×4 boards about 4 ft long… If I say, he’s lucky someone doesn’t blow him up, then they leave me cardboard tubing — AND, there will be my landlord having called the police and telling them he’s worried abut being vandalized, beaten, or blown up… and there will be the police, in position in case the intelligence is actionable. Things I say, therefore, out of context and without regard for my privacy, continue to be used as justification to keep me on watch. As if my landlord is ever going to train me to serve him with my words?!? He’s a crook with a God complex – he wants to be worshiped, but he’s just a con artist and I’ve proven it. I mean, he literally wants to be worshiped. He believes he’s been imbued with the spirit of Jesus and that he deserves to be treated with the same respect that one would show the Lord – and he believes that you must earn his respect. But legally he’s just the trash collector? He’s a psychopath on a power trip with me, and while he keeps claiming to be gaslighted there are a lot of lies told to keep his ‘reality’ alive, and a lot of truth that’s been covered up. I deserve credit for considering due process, communicating my grievances legally and in writing, and due diligence in researching the law to the best of my ability. I also deserve credit for reaching out for legal help and for considering others – I don’t make personal issues public unless such issues also affect others, such as the over billing and poor quality of the water. But I’m treated like a criminal? Although I have been framed for multiple crimes I didn’t commit, the worst I can honestly be accused of is yelling and screaming and stomping my feet – and I deserve credit when I take it behind closed doors, too – I will not stop venting in my home if I’m upset about something, and will I never give up my free speech. I own my words and I most certainly won’t be censored by the trash man. 2024 was to be the year of Respect – I said, you can show me respect or I will command it, and I do believe my landlord owes me an apology and some restitution… so yesterday, on New Year’s Eve just like on Christmas Eve, he waited for me to get home and showed up in the driveway to collect the trash, which is not the usual case – he just looks at me, grins and leaves, gloating over his success in disrespecting every wish he could this last year taken from anything I say, with complete disregard for the law. Police perch down the way in case I yell at him, or worse. In the privacy of my home I say, he must think I’m stupid… I deserve some credit for self control – I’m like a tree top flier, I say, taken from that song about being two steps ahead of the game, and how his quest for power is like his obsession with eliminating trees here on the property – but that, for every tree he gets rid of, God plants ten more… so, he got a chainsaw and started cutting off the top of my favorite tree on the property, as if he’d been a fly on the wall offended by my speech. This kind of thing persists off the property, too. There is a preponderance of evidence that I’m being targeted and that these people have done everything in their power to keep me from having any social or financial support. And all this because they want my soul and control over my words and thoughts? I have continued to maintain my sovereignty by God and I will continue to stand for independence even against those who are supposed to be responsible for protecting such liberty. I could list the failures of this year, from being harassed with vomit and shit, no holidays or travel, not even for a day to the coast – severe social engineering, and I am so fucking tired of the contrived setups with people who just keep trying to get me to commit federal level crimes and obviously don’t give a damn about me. Yesterday only got worse when I finally decided not to take on any more rejection and headed out of town to a light show I had wanted to share with someone, but I didn’t even make it there alone as my jeep overheated on the way – a blown head gasket. So, I’m beginning this year with no friends and the money I would spend on electricity going to rebuild the engine. I’m still several thousand dollars behind my goals, which would not be the case had someone or other not interfered with my job, and God Knows I could use a lover. But the year is not a total loss. I have held my ground and I am still succeeding despite so many failed dreams this year. One thing that’s changed is that I’ve given up deadlines for goals, so I can suffer these setbacks and still persevere. I’ll still make it to the coast, and I’ll eventually have a boat with a motor. I will still fly. And there will be other light shows and other holidays. What I was not able to get in 2024, well, maybe this year… 2025 will be the year of Justice, very personal justice. It has to be.