Happy Valentine's Day?
I would send a card, if I knew where…
And I would make plans to take you out, if I could – shall we try for a hot tub in Eugene? Is it too late? I'm not planning on going south… I don't have any plans. Maybe it's crazy but I miss you and I think about you every day – and I don't care who knows that. I just want to be with you. You are still my reason to be, my motivation, and the love of my life. While the years have not eased the longing, they've also not offered distance – I feel you present, always. I want to hold you, even if we're not naked and wet. I need to touch you to be content. I crave you. And I still don't understand why you're not here… and so, I remain available, praying that justice will prevail, for us. And if you still want me, I'm yours. Forever.