Posted on craigslist and flagged, as usual. The holidays are here and I have no friends and no plans, censored missed connections, and a home that’s as public as a coffee shop… not to mention, I’m barely welcome in any coffee shop. My plans for the Summer were mostly sabotaged, though I continue to persevere. Giving up deadlines for goals has alleviated some stress, but I am still overwhelmed with more dreams than I will ever have enough time, energy, or money for… also, as time goes on, things just get more expensive, and I keep getting slower. Apart from social connections, there are still health issues and financial concerns. There are still a plethora of unanswered questions. Things are still unresolved with Leticia (and love, in general). And I still have to deal with an evil landlord, his entire evil family, and their evil followers… plus, they’ve rallied numerous people who are well meaning but ill informed and I get harassed on an almost daily basis. I believe this is the result of religious politics and problems with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and my family that date back to before I was born. I didn’t do anything to deserve this.
From this morning to Leticia:
Are you aware I’ve been seeking contact information for you for over two decades, and while you have not stopped stalking me? You know, yesterday was my Mother’s Birthday and you’re involvement with my family has really cost me. You didn’t think I was worth talking to even when my Father died? Did you take them on one of your exotic trips, or just help yourself to the things that were promised to me? Having a PsyD does not entitle you in my private life – I am not one of your patients. Now the holidays are here and I’m still waiting for you to come to me. Please stop the master manipulator games and just have a one on one conversation with me for a change. It’s bad enough there are others who want me gone in the broadest sense of the term. You are aware the place I live is like being on house arrest, right? This is how much you love me forever? It’s a legal situation, too, and I’m the one who’s been deprived. You left me out! Please make it a priority to resolve this with me as soon as possible and stop the harassing messages in lieu of direct communication. There has never been anything stopping you from talking to me as far as I know, and you know how far I’ve gone to make myself available. You are far from being the woman who threw her arms around me so long ago, and it’s clear you never really wanted me, but whether it’s to make friends or say goodbye, please don’t let another holiday season pass the way things are now. This is not a problem that will just go away without personal involvement.
The rest of this site will be updated soon, but my main focus these days is just paying off debt. I would have been debt free last year if doordash had not unfairly deactivated my account, or if my landlord had any respect for the law. So, I am suffering significant setbacks but I am still succeeding, and I will never give up. As for the photography, it’s a sad state of affairs with inadequate software to manage tens of thousands of images in the cloud. More work needs to be done before photos will be back on the site, and it’s the same with a live stream – these Summer goals are now Winter goals, and will be live in 2025. Stay tuned.