What a long, empty weekend, alone and missing you. I would happily be wherever you are… so, where are you? I have become completely consumed by thoughts of you… I go for long drives, still trying to sort out all that's happened, wishing you were there, only momentarily distracted by nature's beauty while I dream of a future for us… and you're everywhere. Something happened on my last trip to Humboldt, perhaps you're aware of? I've lost interest in anyone else. I can't stand the thought of you with anyone else, and not knowing what's happened with you is driving me crazy – the last few nights, sleepless. Weekends are usually this way, no plans and not feeling wanted by anyone, but I've passed most days entertaining myself with whatever I find along the way, and that's just not good enough, anymore. I play guitar, I pace, I go for a drive when I can't stand being here – and I hate my house. I'm trapped between two terribly undesirable realities… there isn't a day that goes by that I don't fantasize about going for a walk with you. And most days, I think about selling everything I own and walking away from this place, to be with you…
But, I have this problem… see, I don't know where you are and I don't know what you look like. I know, I wrote about the indelible image of you, etched on the forefront of my brain, and it's true, but now I don't know what color your hair is. I think I owe a blonde (with dreads?) an apology, too, but you had dark hair a decade ago… and that you may have changed your name, really makes it difficult. Then, I had a frightening thought – over the years of posting random messages, what if more than one Leticia has fallen in love with me? I mean, that would explain some of the contradicting responses… go north… go south… could I just have your phone number? The zero day attack on my smart device expired and it works again. I could call you, and maybe we could make an arranegement to meet… like normal people?
But, I have this problem… see, I don't know where you are and I don't know what you look like. I know, I wrote about the indelible image of you, etched on the forefront of my brain, and it's true, but now I don't know what color your hair is. I think I owe a blonde (with dreads?) an apology, too, but you had dark hair a decade ago… and that you may have changed your name, really makes it difficult. Then, I had a frightening thought – over the years of posting random messages, what if more than one Leticia has fallen in love with me? I mean, that would explain some of the contradicting responses… go north… go south… could I just have your phone number? The zero day attack on my smart device expired and it works again. I could call you, and maybe we could make an arranegement to meet… like normal people?
My predicament is simple. I don't know where you are. I don't know what you look like. I don't even know if you want me… but I need you. I feel you, and my life is not complete without you. It's the greatest injustice of all that we are not together, and I just don't know what to do about it. I think the world would be a better place with us together, and that things won't be right until we are. Until then, I'm still scheming for a solution, waiting here for you.