Category: Uncategorized

  • Passings

    More cloak and dagger bullshit… today, after dropping off an order on 2nd, I drove past Bodhi on the way to my next delivery. Definitely unwelcome, though yesterday seemed different. Nothing has changed about my driving routines, except that I don’t go to the guitar shop and I buy coffee elsewhere. But even a note…

  • Farmers Market

    It was the first one this year for me, and the weather couldn’t be better for a farmers market. Sadly, there are no strawberries yet, which goes along with the water being too cold still to float the river, but a good walk all the same. Way too many people, nobody I knew… I avoided…

  • Mayday

    I had planned on staying, 45 minutes on the meter, 20 minutes from home.I had planned on playing, finding a spot, seeking out some harmonious vibe.Effortless, if I follow the path of least resistance, always leads to the river.The mind can wander, with nowhere to go. But the spirit wasn’t there. Motion, emotion, always still…

  • April 8th

    Today marks 12 years of sobriety. I have no friends to celebrate, not even for my Birthday, not even for Christmas. Instead, I have enemies who try to frame me for crimes and slander me everywhere I go, or just pacify me to move me along. Damned for 20 years, and I’m still not guilty.…

  • Trees and lines

    There are no straight trees. They’re all crooked. Because there are no straight lines, only curves. Curves and internodes are what make a tree, not branches of rigidity.

  • In Sinuation

    The tip of an iceberg is nothing to sneeze at. Makes you think of big noses, doesn’t it?

  • March Rent

    …included this note with my rent check this month.

  • Progress 2/21/24

    Incoming Photography 3k photos sorted, 4k to go. 165 video files This will complete the organization of my library from different places and different machines into one Master folder. Next will be editing the Public folder and postprocessing. I still haven’t decided on a solution for media hosting but the process is being streamlined for…

  • Network Map

    Before (2014) – After (2024) –

  • Fortune

    From a fortune cookie – Procrastination is the fear of success.

  • 15 Years

    You don’t know what it’s like to live this way for 15 years. This is an open letter to all levels of law enforcement: I have written to you before but I have not received any help.  I own a mobile home at Highland View and I have every reason to believe my home is…

  • Cookie Fortune

  • Legal Consult

    I own a manufactured home here in Corvallis and I am seeking an attorney to represent me in my dealings with my landlord.  Over grievances in the past, management has refused to communicate with me and refused mediation.  The property owner mediated on management’s behalf and agreed to act as liaison henceforth.  Now I’m being…

  • Cookie Fortune

  • Goodbye