Category: Uncategorized

  • WhatsApp Goodbye

    I have not used WhatsApp for many years and I was surprised to see an old flame appear in my contact list.  Apparently, it was because I have a new phone number and it wasn’t blocked.  The following are the last two messages I have sent, and I am now deleting that app and her…

  • ToDo notes

    Photoprism failed on upgrade. Librephotos is molasses slow on docker – fail. Going to try Picapport next – Every self-hosted photo management solution has failed for one reason or another – too many images, unsupported file types, no videos, no public web option, too basic, etc… Mail currently needs fixing, too. And, Current Status needs…

  • Interesting days…

    So much for fun and planning in the land of sex and money – anything could happen.  Or, not.

  • Insult added to injury

    Ending the day with some work, at least… this morning was not necessary.

  • Lonely

    Another few days of mostly harassment, stalking, and manipulation. Another lonely Saturday night, like usual. The standard NLP bullshit, if not some negative crap, just ‘nap’. But the same sexual testing, nonetheless. This is the epitome of institutional abuse, but I’m being singled out, too. Weeded out. Nobody cares about me.

  • Chronic Isolation

    Someday I will meet a woman who loves me and wants me enough to talk to me and make plans.  Then, I would take her to the places where I grew up to hike the trails where I played as a kid, or explore the desert on a road trip, or take a holiday out…

  • Roadblocks, Restaurants, and Rides

  • One Foot in the Gutter, One Foot in the Grave

  • A Hundred Thousand Hundred Thousands

    Equals 10 Billion : 10,000,000,000

  • On the Edge of Epiphany

  • 4th of July

    So, it’s the 4th of July and the beginning of a week long heat wave with temps reaching over 100F. My plans are on track but very far behind – a month behind on plans that were a year behind to begin with. As a result, and due to overall logistics, my approach to time…

  • Phase 2

    Finally, 25,981 images uploaded to the cloud – indexing should be completed tomorrow or the next day. Then, one mass search for images to remove and I’ll start putting the best back out to the public… thinking about using pigallery and maybe even removing wordpress – all public images are going into a random pool…

  • Slow progress

    18,000 photos transferred 8,000 still to go ~ 7 or 8 hours left …and the server is cranking away at postprocessing. So far, it appears there are some duplicates and video files will need manual intervention. Also, auto tagging is worthless – I might make a post about this, the failing of “AI” – apparently,…

  • Fishing in Mexico

    Just a line and a hook is all one needs to go fishing in Mexico. A small stone may be used as a weight, a broken stick for a float, and anchovies found on the shore for bait… with just a line and a hook, fishermen go to the bay to catch dinner.

  • Progress

    So far behind… I haven’t taken very many pictures since my friend passed away, and it’s been an emotional but healing trip through time organizing a master copy for the new system. Everything is getting uploaded to the cloud – 26,000 images after removing duplicates, but including a lot of pictures that didn’t turn out.…