2003Oct11 (Poem+)
2003Oct11 (Poem+) Saturday Much madness is divinest sense to a discerning eye – thematic, anorexic solitude is not blindness but distance as if an eagle has a more objective view from high above reality – what changes, what reality so different when I fall back to the earth! Personal truth is inherently subjective, our dreams…
2003Aug04 (Poem)
2003Aug04 (Poem) To think that words are not hollow Shells or fragments of unmanifest thought Vessels empty of action To think how full the void. Resonant sound from a plucked string Wine breathing the same air that floats a ship Or makes snow even as it saves a skydiver The void sets an eagle adrift…
2003Jul12 (Poem)
2003Jul12 (Poem) [no date, may be Jul19] Comfort day – Shabbos morning grace Exceptional beauty Sophisticated stride Place of indulgent words and drink Love in all even as she walks away A gem’s value may be it’s flaw But the light comes from it’s facets Introspection is a hall of mirrors All ways the labyrinth…
2003May06 (Poem+)
2003May06 (Poem+) I am in love. Or in light. There is a visible – blaringly visible – delicate glow that permeates all that there is. Lightening strikes a spiral ripple in this lake of emotion; there is the same wellspring at the center of our lives; the same spark or glimmer – am I insane?…
2003May01 (Poem)
2003May01 (Poem) From the book of unforgotten sorrows I lament my departure From the light-filled being I once found With you. It no longer matters If the star I see Is from crawling through a tunnel Or falling down a hole That your radiance, Even when just a glimmer Incites me to live Inspires me…
2003Apr30 (Poem)
2003Apr30 I see All thousand points of light And there are shadows That record the space between waves In an ever expanding funnel Like a spiral cyclone Situated rests Make a staircase And there is a downward draft A falling luminescence Gently pressing On the crown And the ground The eye itself Becomes peaceful And…
2003Apr23 (Poem)
2003Apr23 (Poem) Stairs and steps Extend one’s life Even as sun and water Cure all things Calligraphy and photography Both write for the eyes And poetry is beauty Loving is living A spiritual bridge Built one stone at a time Spans our lives As we step toward another day Climbing as if we could take…
2003Apr14 (Poem+)
2003Apr14 (Poem+) Where have my words gone as if I am afraid to mar this page, because it is the first, though days pass by like page after page and no one can remember the beginning. It is as if the human condition is a simple state of being ‘caught between’. We start reading the…
2002Jul06 (Poem)
2002Jul06 (Poem) Fluttering discordant rapidity Before my eyes a blur Memories and visions of the future Are the same static Repetitive sounds Random rhythmic events Separated only by confusion Understanding virtue And a butterfly Moving up and down My shakti loves another As do I – all others in fact The core of my heart,…
2002Jun24 (Poem)
2002Jun24 (Poem) [in margin, note – frame one] Bordas De Hielo, Cesar Vallejo [bracketed – frame two] Tears Are pearls Flowing as if Flowering In a succession Of spheres Echoed and reflected In a cavern Filled with the Darkness that exists Between water and ice [boxed – frame three] Is there passion in the stillness…
2002Jun23 (Poem)
2002Jun23 (Poem) Critical diffusion Confused inside An ill mind Definition Becoming in question Thoughtless rogue Like one strand of a rope Hanging from the brain Tied to a brick Motion Emotion Still falling Almost hitting ground My anxiety I don’t own And my soul is a fool Locked in a room Sitting on a throne…
2002Feb01 (Poem)
2002Feb01 (Poem) [no date +- two days] The spirit is tremendous. It has the power of a raptor. It is limitless potential manifesting. The spirit is the source of the body and all thought. It is not what defines color But the light that shines through. Natural essence is indestructible. The image of you has…
2002Jan18 (Poem)
2002Jan18 (Poem) Writing for performance Rapture is a terrifying seduction Stretch, to touch, to let go What’s grabbed gets thrown Relinquish that which could never be controlled Give up, give in, get sucked in To an experience of pure fantasy What awaits is wilder than one’s feeble dreams. Satisfy your urges Eat, drink, smoke, and…
2002Jan15 (Poem)
2002Jan15 (Poem) An unconditional chemical – Lord Shiva is a mix Of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. All matter must be a miracle. Nothing exists but aberrations. Reality is a mutation Of something more pure. Can love be definable Through terms of structure And branched lines? Nature is infinitely more complex Than what the mind can…
2002Jan12 (Poem)
2002Jan12 (Poem) [no date] Musical vibrations of organic rhythm Not the hum of diesel engined Where is my love? Tribal chanting and primal sex Who is my love? Is the distant call so far away that I have tuned out her screaming now? Does she know I am waiting? Is she looking? I cannot search…