It’s December 1st, 2024 and things have not gone my way this year. I’ve just come through one of the loneliest Thanksgivings ever and I have no plans for Christmas or New Years. I’m beginning this month a thousand Dollars behind my goals, not a month ahead on my bills like usual, and business has not been good. My home is eavesdropped on, anything I say used against me, and I am regularly stalked and harassed out in public. I don’t have any friends. Strangers love me, but I have enemies who do not want me to succeed. I’m succeeding, anyway, but they have set me back tremendously.
In just this past year, my landlord lied to a Judge to keep from having to pay me thousands of Dollars I was awarded by the Court over fraudulent water bills, and now the bills have only gone up. I have proved that management is stealing $50k a year from the residents but nobody cares. They have cleaned up a few of the more run down places, but there’s still no plan to replace the water pipes, a source of ill health for everyone who lives here. Management continues to do what they can to depress the property value, doing little about the drug addicts and thieves. I would update my death map to reflect the most recent overdose suicide but that unit is already highlighted. And I keep getting framed for crimes they know I didn’t commit. This is all a matter of record. They’re crooks.
Living here is like being on house arrest. I am not treated with respect and my rights are not respected. The overall police presence in what should be a retirement community is insane, but the con artist of a slum lord gets protection while some of us just get exploited. To this day, nobody has bothered to talk to me about when and how my father died, nor has law enforcement responded about inheritance, guns, art, and property I believe I’ve been swindled out of. There is ample evidence of identity theft along with the barrage of misinformation, and there is obviously a lot of money at stake considering the resources squandered on slandering me. Why anyone would have a vested interest in keeping me from succeeding, I don’t know. The biggest problems stem from Jehovah’s Witnesses and their set of pathological beliefs. But nevermind the fear mongers, there’s family involved, too.
In the last year it’s come to my attention that my Aunt has business here, at least 3 restaurants and surely more. I’ve seen her and two people I believe are my cousins at one of these places, and that confirms that it’s my older cousin who had a relationship with a woman I wanted very much. The problem is multifaceted. Going back to my childhood, I remember my Aunt always calling my Mother for financial assistance and I remember my Father cutting her off saying, “We’re not funding her cocaine habit anymore.” Ever since, she would take whatever she could get from my family, and anything intended for me she would take for her sons – apparently, even love interests. I don’t believe she would have money if it weren’t for my Father and my paternal Grandfather. She is not qualified to make decisions on my behalf, nor have I been adequately informed about her behind-my-back dealings. While I could do nothing about her depriving me when I was a minor, she does not have any legal authority in my life as an adult. We haven’t had a conversation in 25 years and these people are not considered friends.
My plans continue, regardless. The Cash Cow, my jeep, is the labor of love that keeps me in business. I’ve been working as a gig driver for two and a half years, currently for GrubHub, and I’ve made well over $50k legitimately. It’s expensive to keep in operation. The jeep is not an efficient vehicle but it’s built like a tank. I have replaced everything at least once, and it’s still an evolving work in progress. I stopped keeping receipts on it years ago. I have had this vehicle for more than a decade and I plan to keep it for life. It was designed for making deliveries, too. It’s a 1976 AM General Jeep DJ5 with a windshield from a 1955 Volkswagen split-window bus and the grill form an old Ford F-100 — I promise, a page with pictures soon. I’ve added a solar panel, an awning, and upgrading all electronics. It’s got Mercedes hubcaps from a 190, and the dash and doors are wood. I’ve just finished repairing the cowhide fur panels on the doors and ready to clean up the windows and put them back on… I am still running around without doors, as of today, and it’s below freezing out. The stereo works, anyway, and soon this vehicle will become a mobile ground station for drones.
The flying machines, along with the photography and the music, are all things I have continued to work on, even as life has become isolated and unproductive. I don’t write as much as I used to, but I am still planning on publishing a book. It’ll be called, Vignettes of Indigo; Or, How to Defeat Jehovah’s Witnesses Using the Power of Your Mind. And I’ll write more poetry in the future, I’m sure. Currently with photography, I’ve removed duplicates and uploaded about 26k pictures but I haven’t found a self-hosted photo/video management solution that works well. I am ready to start producing video and The Skylight, this site’s live streaming channel is ready to go live as soon as I take the time to schedule content. I still practice guitar just about every day. But everything is on hold while I focus on work and money… and getting through the holidays. So, this site is on the way to becoming a blog and a showcase for my personal projects, and a little more. One change I made this last year was in giving up deadlines for goals, because they’re easier to keep, and in that way I’m still on track despite all setbacks. So, stay tuned. 2025 is going to be awesome.