2003Apr14 (Poem+)

2003Apr14 (Poem+)

Where have my words gone as if I am afraid to mar this page, because it is the first, though days pass by like page after page and no one can remember the beginning. It is as if the human condition is a simple state of being ‘caught between’. We start reading the story of our lives at chapter 13 and spend the rest of the time trying to figure out what’s going on while sticking to the story. Did we skip ahead or hold ourselves back when we started in the middle? There have been no viable solutions for mankind.

Pride is a pestilence,
Multi-faceted shards of stars
From a shattered wine glass
Sinking feeling of loss

Like a fisherman who never had
And never caught

There is sadness in the dream
Even while there’s lobster
Boilin’ in the pot.

And I think aloud and louder
Is there any other answer
To the question why
Then just because?

And they fear me
They fear me for saying
That weapons are tools of hatred –
Let’s not love them
That children never chose to be here –
Let’s not blame them
That life itself does not need to
Evolve around death.

Destroy!!! The charioteer bellows and we needn’t think he has pride but arrogance and gall and he’s full of it.

“I am so powerful – look at my horses”
Is that nonsensical to anyone else?
Horses. Horses.
I don’t know about you but
I am not my horses.

I like to think of living
As being akin to sailing on
An ever expansive ocean
And territorial destruction is
Never a part of the plot of my course.

Freedom for me does not mean slavery for you –

And while there’s stew on the stove
– sustenance in hand –

Pride is the cry for more
Even as we reach for our bottles to pour
Health from a glass lip
Even as we sip
We say this is just a door
To ourselves.

When will we alone be enough?

Pearls in succession lace her neck
Diamonds, rubies, and maybe one
Perfect sapphire adorn her perfect soul.
And her heart sees them, but does it
Recognize her self? Her selflessness
Is a state of being, intangible
But represented by things.
Does her mind acknowledge me
As another sovereign being?
Does she love me?
Is she the only one?


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