It’s good to get lost in your head every once in a while. You have to accept that you have a lot of really bad ideas, but when you do a lot of good ones float to the surface; or, sometimes, there’s one good idea in a lot of bad ones. But still, there’s always something worthwhile.
…6 months later. I remember seeing the news. The following week I was headed for Virginia to live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. What a disaster – devoid of art – that culture is! Puritan, Christian, pretenders who don’t know the first thing about truth or love are running our country!!! The news today is of vigils and ceremonies. Sadness, not beauty, is still hot news. A puritan society exists on it’s punishment. Stricter laws demand tougher sentences. Where there is no law, nothing is a crime. Maybe total anarchy is not what the world needs, but it should be our goal; to have no need of law, but rather, be governed by a common understanding of humanity. If there is no talk of reducing sentences and removing laws then we have missed the point. Freedom is, by definition, limitless.
“Oh”, the man said to the lady, “you don’t want to be with me because he has a bigger house.”
And she said “Yes”, then feeling bad, bought him a villa.
To be bound or freed by material riches contradicts the very purpose of money; that it is shared wealth, an agreed upon currency. When people become rich, their friends become rich, too. The only reason we are not all rich is that some people are getting poor. We must narrow that gap, not by curtailing spending, but by spending more constructively. By constructively I mean collectively as money is like a lake where everyone gets their water…. If the lake is getting low and there’s not enough water to go around, then the group must do what they can to put water back into the lake. Those who waste water must learn to use it more effectively. There is plenty to go around and, in the case of money, we ensure this by adjusting rates and printing enough money to keep up with the flow.
I can’t make my life happen. There’s some part of me that thinks I can. There is so much out of my control. All I can do is watch. What I need is a vacation.