
Or maybe I’m wrong. Creativity for any purpose becomes contrived just as I can’t force a relationship with Leticia. There is continued sunshine today. I awoke thinking of Leticia and through my complex logic I’ve decided I need a girlfriend. I am not prepared for the life long relationship I want – materially – it’s been such a long time since I’ve been single that I’m really, really enjoying it. Still, I need to get laid and it’s been such a long time since I’ve had any affection at all that a girlfriend, a lover, seems like the perfect solution. Beyond the obvious, I think I could only stand to gain much needed perspective on life, love, and Leticia…. And then there’s Haika (spelled Hikah?). She is so powerful, and though she doesn’t know it, she’s significant in my life. Whether or not that significance has played out remains to be seen.

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