Leticia… Post: Saturday

Yesterday ended the way it had begun, with subtle hues of pink and blue.  The tide had come and gone, the beach made ready for another night by the fire.  There was love.  There was peace, even with some anticipation, and a new confidence that all would be well, that Leticia and I would meet again… to be together, as always, forever.  I have never known so much love as I have known here in Humboldt, and for the overwhelming spirit of acceptance, I owe so many a thank you.  Despite so much craziness, and so many misunderstandings – despite my rage, and all attempts to sabotage life as I knew it – the light finds a way to shine through the cracks here, and heal the wounds of fear and doubt.  So this is a rave, for the truth that lies behind the shadows of night, beneath the brightest colors of day, for the kindness that lives here, throughout the ebb and flow of time…



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