More cloak and dagger bullshit… today, after dropping off an order on 2nd, I drove past Bodhi on the way to my next delivery. Definitely unwelcome, though yesterday seemed different. Nothing has changed about my driving routines, except that I don’t go to the guitar shop and I buy coffee elsewhere. But even a note like this about gracing the place with my aura gets a sort of distorted echo response. This time it was people shielding their face, like I’m not looking at you out of the corner of my eye, lol. It’s just more cryptic messages and harassment, still nobody talks to me about what’s going on. It’s been this way for years and years. Today a woman blocked my exit at Buffalo Wild Wings and when I squeezed by behind her, I could swear a picture was snapped, like we were posing – and add to that the strange echo online about a heart attack… and add to that Randy’s drums – What?!? Is there anybody… out there? The day started at the river, with strung out addicts incapable of enjoying the day, way too much desperation, and curious to know what happened with the evil angel hostage situation last night, and if it involved Pete. And the highlight of my day was seeing Emily, even though it’s always in passing. Such good energy, and much needed touch. Now today ends as it began, sorting photos from the past, alone and available. More sleep ahead, full of dreams, and then tomorrow again, back to the land of sex and money, where reality is much stranger than fantasy.