You don’t know what it’s like to live this way for 15 years.
This is an open letter to all levels of law enforcement:
I have written to you before but I have not received any help. I own a mobile home at Highland View and I have every reason to believe my home is being eavesdropped on by management who uses the information selectively against me. I believe my manager has framed me for crimes and there is significant evidence suggesting identity theft and fraud. I am harassed on an almost daily basis with things I “say” in my home reflected back at me in public, and I think the manager here has no sense of personal boundaries as he doesn’t seem able to differentiate between what’s private and what’s public. At least, he doesn’t respect my privacy and I’ve become socially isolated here as a result. He thinks I should leave him a set of my keys and report to him anytime someone visits. He has multiple people reporting to him on me, apparently even at the courthouse, and I have been stalked and harassed by Jehovah’s Witnesses wherever I go when I travel, even in Mexico. This is like being on house arrest and I have been denied every request for explanation. There have been multiple complaints from other people on this property along the same lines. While everyone is held to a very rigid dogma of moralistic rules, the manager plays on loopholes and technicalities, refuses to follow the law, says he IS the law here, and he’s brought in multiple people with unserviceable warrants from elsewhere. Many of us here have a family member in the manager’s church while he’s made us into some kind of mental health study, apparently because he thinks it’s crazy not to be a Jehovah’s Witness? The fact is, the invasions of privacy must use electronic means and his involvement with my family is to the extent that I think I have a child they’re trying to keep me from finding out about. Though I have been estranged from my family, I’ve seen my mother visiting two known drug houses on the property and I still don’t know how or when my father died because no one has come to talk to me. I think he has kept me from getting property, too, but I can’t even get information I have a legal right to and he flat out refused mediation. I’ve even asked for a meeting with the district attorney and been ignored. While I have been pursuing justice here for so many years, reaching out to multiple legal sources, I don’t understand why I’m still so ostracized. On the invasion of privacy alone, why doesn’t anyone in law enforcement care?
A critical issue is that the manager believes respect must be earned. I do not. The law states that all men are created equal and that our rights are God-given and inalienable – and the Bible states that even those who deny God should be loved equally by those who claim to love God. All of our anti-discrimination laws are based on this. The right to due process is based on this, also. Not only does a person have the right to face one’s accuser and plead to a jury of peers, but a person must be considered innocent until proven guilty and given a right to appeal or discrimination sets in and individuals or whole groups can be disallowed fairness by what they say or believe. ‘We don’t talk to people like that’ should have no place in law enforcement, nor should anyone be considered above the law. But although the property manager seems to have connections with local, state, and federal level law enforcement agencies, he only judges me negatively and denies me my rights. I think he believes that he’s favored by God and that I must repent and be washed in the blood before I may earn a reasonable expectation of privacy. I think he’s criminally insane. And I didn’t do anything to deserve this. His style of rule is flat out Communist, even apart from the problems with a separation of church and state.
I am continuing to seek out legal help, but I have not found a lawyer who is willing or knows what to do about this situation. I keep getting told this is civil, but there are clear violations of law that suggest perhaps more than that – still, even a civil case has to start somewhere. I’ve also heard this is just a personal issue between me and the manager, that we’re accusing each other of being crazy. But, this is actually about jurisdiction. He can be as crazy as he wants with his family in his home, but he has way overstepped his bounds into mine. He is literally policing what I say in my own home. And that’s a fact, not paranoia. Proving sanity is like proving innocence, though, almost impossible. Besides being considered an interesting person and ‘studied’, I’ve also heard I’m a person of interest with the FBI. I don’t think this is true. More than 20 years ago, I wrote the FBI a letter about a group that turned out to be Jehovah’s Witnesses, and may be what began this situation, though their history with my family goes back to my childhood. Since then, I followed up with a FOIA request to determine the status of that and last year I spoke with the office in Portland about the identity theft and my hacked facebook account. They assured me I’m not a person of interest in any open cases and referred me to the internet crime people. I’ve lost count of how many letters I’ve written, but I haven’t received any answers.
I am not an attorney or a law enforcer, and I don’t know how to proceed. I was raised at a time when 911 was first introduced and we were all taught in school to call 911 for anything and everything. Now, the internet governs general information and police activity has become more streamlined. But while there are regular routine calls for dogs at large, domestic disputes, or reckless drivers, so many others are relegated to 12-60 cases – mental, crazy. This is a very bad practice as the use of technology increases the number of ‘miscellaneous’ cases that can’t be dismissed without dismissing individual rights and freedoms. One such case was here on this property last week. A woman called the police because she thought someone was trying to break in. This is reasonable just because of the fear mongering here, and she had heard someone on her porch on a few different nights. But also, across the street there is so much trash and food that two opossum regularly visit (the tenants have named them), there’s a big old racoon that lives around here, and the son of one of the tenants who’s not supposed to be on the property walks the dog around there in the middle of the night, not to mention the possibility of drugs for which there is an unserviceable warrant associated with that address… and yet, the dispatcher cites an extensive history with 12-60 issues.
There is nothing new in this letter. I’ve covered all of this before. I think the problem with the Jehovah’s Witnesses is much larger than one slum lord or one wronged family. There is a history of similar stories that goes back decades with this group, and not just this particular congregation. On a recent search for a very old television segment, I was surprised to see that this group has a very extensive history with sociopaths, serial killers, child molesters, and pedophiles. The guy on the coast who threw his wife and children over a bridge before killing himself is not the only murder suicide that’s happened in that church, and mine is far from the only story of meddling on a criminal level. Perhaps it was naive, but I thought I just had to report what was going on and that justice would be served by those who enforce the laws. Please don’t allow this kind of corruption that leads to tyranny. I want justice, and I want answers. Nothing has changed. I’m still waiting… and for the respect I call for, I have every legal right. Feel free to share this with any relevant law enforcement agency, and please don’t hesitate to reply with any information I may be interested in. I am available to answer any questions there may be, too.
Indigo Michaud