Indigo – January 2024
This was a draft written in November 2022 and is being included here because it serves as a good introduction to the collection of emails which have been sent and because so many issues are still unresolved. Since then, the footbridge that needed repair has been condemned and I won a case in Small Claims over management’s refusal to be forthcoming with information, but not much else has changed. The water is still poisoned. The bills are still fraudulent. There are still egregious violations of privacy and a slew of unanswered questions. So, it’s back to court we go. These emails are an archive. Current legal activity will be kept on the main page of Legal Cases with any updates.
I am including this as an update to unresolved issues here at Highland View and to clarify some apparent misunderstandings along with a collection of emails from the last couple of years between myself, the property owner, and law enforcement. This is not a complete collection as it’s missing a couple of letters sent to the Sheriff through the website, I’ve omitted a couple of unrelated inquiries, and there is nothing included from the last place I owned on this property. This is intended for those who are already somewhat familiar with the situation here, and to sum it up. I do think my particular situation is just one aspect of a larger problem that affects many, though it’s clearly also very personal. I’ve password protected the posts rather than redacting any personally identifying information, but it’s not the best security and I may not leave these files online indefinitely. Thank you in advance to any who take the time to review this writing and the included files, and for any resolutions you may offer.
As you may be aware, there has been another death here. The woman in Space #55 was dead for a couple of days before she was found. She must have died on the same day of the week as the woman in Space #50, and it had just rained hard like it had when my friend passed away last year. I don’t know that there’s any pattern, though. She was not in good health, and I doubt there’s any reason to suspect foul play. But I still think the environment is a cause for illness here and covering it up by keeping tenants with preexisting conditions is just wrong. ‘That sweet smell’ my friend kept complaining about was back and I think it may be from backed up sewer – toxic. I had a rough few days emotionally, too, although I didn’t call the police about anything this time. It’s easy to think it must be the weekend, the holidays, or just loneliness that causes my inflammation, but I’m convinced there’s something biochemical going on here.
From early on, I’ve suspected environmental concerns ranging from the factory in south town to the hospital before determining that it must be specific to this property. The water has become my number one suspicion because I have problems with calcium delivery and my bones are breaking down at a young age – and I also had an aquatic snail whose shell got so soft it’s insides broke through, plus numerous fish that died from the addition of tap water, even treated. The pH sometimes goes above 8. But, despite tests that showed high levels of sodium hydrochloride and something slimy that grows without the addition of salt, I’m told the water is untainted and perfectly fine. I’m not convinced. I have requested information about the use of chemicals on this property multiple times and have been ignored.
There are also to be considered, pesticides, herbicides, or chemicals from the production of drugs, especially after a hard rain like we just had. Occasionally, I catch the smell of propane, too, but I think the possibility of a buildup of gasses from leaky lines is just a myth. Bromethalin, however, becomes air born if it gets into water that’s raised to room temperature, and that’s the modern rat poison. A buildup of a chemical like that may only become toxic under certain environmental conditions, such as the Spring thaw or when a house floods underneath and the furnace is turned on. I think the health issues here may not be from any overt violation, anyway, but from a cumulative effect. There are some concerns inherent in old trailers to begin with, namely lead and asbestos, as well as the health of neighbors and previous residents. But whatever the causes, there have been an inordinate number of deaths here.
My complaints about the infrastructure here began with concerns over investment value and general security, as the park has not been well maintained and I am the victim of invasions of privacy, theft, vandalism, and I believe a few other crimes. Things like the barbed wire on Sundance seem like common sense to me, and I typically assume the law is based on right and wrong – and common sense – but in this case, the law in Corvallis does not govern materials on fences under 7 feet, so I stand corrected. It’s not illegal to string barbed wire at the eye level of a grade schooler down the street from a grade school here, but putting up a more professional privacy fence would require a permit and a licensed installer. There are laws against this in Albany and other places, but only after multiple letters and calls were the Corvallis Police finally willing to send someone out to look at it, only to say that they didn’t see how it posed a hazard to anyone… I feel pacified by this, but it’s trivial. Things like the dilapidated foot bridge have been ignored altogether, along with my complaints about price gouging in the water bill, and the far more serious complaints about eavesdropping.
Jurisdiction has not been established here. The manager has stood in my yard yelling, “I am the law here” but then refused mediation which the law mandates – and then refused to pay the penalty the law mandates, too. I have observed him yelling at other tenants on their porches, and once at me shaking his finger and literally spitting mad, “how dare you betray a confidence”. And in my defense, I would consider a confidence to be something like information about his family or personal life, but I only spoke to people about the water and about police activity in the neighborhood. The manager asks that people call the office with concerns, not the police, then tells them if they don’t like the way things are they can call the police like it’s public property… then he tells the police its private property and he’ll deal with things. There are laws that already govern the common areas of a mobile home park but he plays on loopholes and technicalities, if not lobbying to have the law changed, and nobody enforces them, anyway. There is no due process here, only tyranny. The jurisdiction that management assumes can not be legal without properly identifying problems and offering a course to appeal for conflict resolution, but there is a significant lack of communication, only the regular announcement of new rules and orders handed down that we residents are expected to obey. Many people have complained about this.
- environment -fence -water
- ownership – community access
- crazy vs authority – Jurisdiction
- personal vs professional
- civil vs criminal – Identity theft. Status.
- privacy advocate and DHS
Unanswered Questions:
What was I coerced into signing in an apartment in Philomath?
What was filed by publication in newspapers left on my porch for 30 days?
What was then delivered by hand to my neighbor by management?
Do I have any children?