2004Jul21 (Poem)

2004Jul27 (Poem)

Frail looking
Hollow skin or flesh
Cheap or free connections
Never gifted
Until the veil is lifted
Dissipates a fog-like lie
In an instant – an eternity
A discerning eye
Caresses the senses
Then makes up its own mind
It must be love
Or there’ll be hell to pay
Refresh dormant ideas
Sullen but hopeful
In this time
And with my needs
Compelled to be grateful
Unsearching and found

Free is just cheaper than cheap
Priceless is unconditional
“Unless another idea as unique (and better),
Then this one without charge”
Ridicules the comparison of invaluables
And brings about a bill
Unsent and unpaid
Holographic is unmanifest material
And I am changing [the way I do business?]

The ocean is just water with nowhere left to go but up.

Satisfaction comes through acceptance.


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