I have a faint memory of falling backwards into a different kind of consciousness where I could see everything all at once. Twice since I’ve walked with this sense of being, or knowing, that I am part of everything. I was in the light of Godness, my body filled with energy, and all my needs met with neither guilt nor pain. I did not need that which I did not want…. And I did not want for anything. Then, somehow (perhaps through greed), I would stumble back into my chaotic life; or, maybe, it was a confused and restless all-too-familiar dream.. Well, last summer changed everything. I felt a bolt, a rod, of pure gold light running through me – It came down my spine as the kundalini met it at the crown and opened to it. I lived in that bliss again for the three days to follow. I saw Leticia on the other side of the abyss, though I do not know which side is right and there was no chasm between us. We were like two raindrops falling at pace with each other, suspended in air for the moment just before they meet. They become one drop – and we were that. The light was not so much gold as it was golden. It was bright (intensa) and in actuality the radiance was beyond white heat toward a royal purple cast – golden in the moments spent with her. Magic is a funny thing.